With many areas of the country experiencing a series of winter storms and blizzards, the Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA) reminds homeowners to pay close attention to their roofs, especially as winter weather continues to get rough.
Icy winter weather can cause a phenomenon known as “ice dams,” which can wreak havoc on roof durability and result in costly maintenance issues. While many homeowners blame faulty gutters for freezing over and causing trouble, ice dam problems are typically much more complex. Ice dams occur on roofs when temperatures fluctuate, falling below and rising above the 32 degrees freezing point. As snow starts to melt, it can re-freeze near roof soffits and overhang areas, which do not get as warm. That can cause a dam, where melting water backs up and seeps into the home, damaging walls, ceilings and leading to mold issues.
Experts say the best way to prevent ice dams is by maintaining steady rooftop temperatures. Ice dams can get worse as water freezes, re-freezes and continues to build up. Uneven snow melt on rooftops and large icicles that form at the eves and on gutters can be a sign of trouble.
“A roof bears the brunt of extreme winter storms, heavy snows and freezing temperatures,” said Renee Ramey, MRA executive director. “A well-designed system not only helps keep the interior warmer and more comfortable, it also prevents ice dams from forming in the first place and guards against costly damage.”
To help prevent rooftop ice dams, the MRA recommends paying attention to these important details, including:
Ineffective, potentially damaging (and dangerous) methods for trying to get rid of ice dams include chipping away at iced up gutters, which does nothing to stop ice dams, or worse, getting on ladders or on top of roofs to try and clear frozen material. The MRA warns homeowners to never get on their roofs in inclement weather and without proper safety precautions.