Snow management

TOPIcs: Metal Roofing Benefits

Snow management

RETURN TO Metal Roofing Benefits
Yes. I always suggest 6" gutters, mounted as high as possible using fascia mount brackets into every rafter tail
Todd Miller
2013-10-10 13:43:24.000000
Are rain gutters appropriate in addition to snow stops for a hotel with a 5:12 standing seam metal roof in an area that receives heavy snow?
Erik Olson
2013-10-10 13:21:00.000000
+1 Todd is correct. Biggest issue with most gutters is that they are not hung from the rafters and therefore the resultant holding power is questionable to say the least. Snow fence/retention or some sort of gutter guard may also help.
Eric Novotny
2013-10-12 08:12:59.000000