what is best metal shakes or vertical panels on a new home

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what is best metal shakes or vertical panels on a new home

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James. depending on the roof geometry, such as hips, valleys, dormers, skylights, etc. I would recommend a shake panel because it is easier to flash. Also, since you are in Florida I would recommend an aluminum shake with a Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 paint system. Another important consideration is the installer. Verify by visiting other installations of similar magnitude and talking with the homeowner that contractor knows what he is doing. thanks for your interest in using a metal roof.
Dick Bus
2014-11-26 13:51:57.000000
James, there are so many variables. I really don't know that I can answer this in writing. Any chance you'd want to give me a call at my office at 1-800-543-8938 ext 201? All Best.
Todd Miller
2014-11-26 13:30:30.000000
hi wondering what is better to use on a new construction residential home in fort lauderale, fl. a vertical panel metal roof or a metal shake and then which one is easier and less costly to install thanks
james pedertson
2014-11-26 12:39:34.000000
+1 Post up a picture of the home. At the end of the day, use the right material for the weather application. After that, use the panel that will go with the look of the home. Most can be made to work properly.
Eric Novotny
2014-11-26 15:32:08.000000